I almost missed the opening of the Selkirk Skate Park today for two reasons:
1. I only heard about this event through a phone call from a friend and soon realized it was well known, but yet the most low profile opening I've ever heard of. No blog posts or internet buzz to my knowledge.
2. I promised a friend to help him out by covering his Sports Illustrated type gig at Crescentwood at the same time the opening was underway.

So we miss the official opening, but get there just as the sun is setting to get an idea of the park and get some runs in. Note: Lights! Not functional until Monday I was told.

Bumped in to Travis from Oak Bank checking out the new park.

Josh Thorvaldson with a slick melon grab spine transfer.

Keiran found himself some fans.

Josh with a nose grind.

Shane was also there all day visiting from Oak Bank.

Apparently I missed the infamous Taylor Bray back flip. Daaang. There's always instant replay...
You are pretty awesome Cam