When my friend Natalie heard that my son was becoming a fan of the WWE she suggested the next time there was a NBW event that she'd let us know. She said what she meant and meant what she said, so earlier tonight we checked out the NBW New Brand Wrestling Spring Fever event at the Ellice Theatre.
It was the first time I've attended a wrestling type event in my entire life. Watching wrestling on T.V. has never really done it for me. This performance was a completely different experience.
I wasn't there to get the greatest shots from the best angles...I was there to take in the action, witness some kids laughing and smiling while other kids cursed and heckled. I did bring my camera so I figured I'd grab the odd shot right from my seat...because trying to describe the event without pictures would be selling it short.
Cory Diamond interrogating the audience in an attempt to find out who hospitalized Billy Blaze.
"The Rebel" Bobby Collins taking his chances in Winnipeg's West End with his confederate flag.
"The Great" Pepito with his "mamacita".
Leo London fans come in all ages.
...and I do mean all ages! Note: Leo London is on the left.
Cory Diamond and his lady.
The merch table.
The wrench swinging bell ringer.
Finally... the out of hand main event.