Sunday, December 27, 2009

you said you needed more and more, you ended up with less

...and the the content of this blog is in need of another adjustment. Due to a self admitted cyber stalking of an ex-girlfriend, this will be the last post including a picture of my son. Hopefully in 2010 she will move on and find a new hobby. There will be pancakes and there will be skateboarding, but our lives will no longer be documented via photo blog. We will continue to eat pancakes and I will continue to document Winnipeg skateboarding and more. As mentioned before I am usually willing to share in response to e-mail requests.

Here is the beginning of winter skateboarding and the end of 2009.

Sunday afternoon crew at The Edge
(10 people missing in this photo off skateboarding somehwere)

Rick and Fred
Kyle -back side air
Dan and his new beard visiting from the west coast

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