My knee is juicy and full of puss tonight so I took it easy upon our visit to Charleswood.
I checked in on the locals to see how their own injuries were heeling.
Ryan is itching to get "back on the horse" and have a "re-do" at his incomplete feeble grind that came to a abrupt stop during a leg break earlier in the summer on a seven set. He's been back on the board for a good chunk of the season already.

Kevin went this summer from a sore shoulder to winning first place at Lord of the Lines to a severe arm break a few weeks later and now is currently skateboarding just enough to agitate his other body parts.

According to Markus...his "hip is on fire!" after a slow motion stop, drop and roll during a first attempt to nollie a four/flat/four set.

More faces and places coming soon.
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