So Sam Katz has been elected for his third term with 25,000+ vote gap between him and the closest candidate. I've seen and heard quite a few people complain about the victory. I'm hoping they at least voted to express their concerns. I get it....people are concerned about our high murder rate (per capita). I doesn't matter to me how big or how many more people live in Toronto, Vancouver, New York, Chicago or LA...they simply have more murders by the hundreds in some cases even when their crime rates are at their lowest.
A lot of the murders have to do with a lot of drugs. Allegedly we have a lot of it. They can shut down a crack house, we all know it will pop back up again. Supply and demand is a bitch. We're lucky when record amounts of drugs are seized before they even make it in to the city. The same police that I'd be the first to complain about when they aren't doing their job (so far as to go public with concerns on The Great Canadian Talk Show) even have their wins as well.
I'm sure there are some pros and cons with having Sam Katz as a mayor as I'm sure there would be with some of the other candidates.
I always try to view the situation on how much is my life really affected in a ten foot circle around me as I go on about my life.
Despite who's in charge at the moment I still have to drive down this road to get to work every day.

Before I can get down to the fallen apart road I do have to pass these lovely brand spankin' new traffic calming devices. I hope to see some wax on these curbs and possible some modified signage location in the near future to make these things really worth the investment.

I was confused by "curb outs" at first, because I thought they were to make it more bicycle friendly (by leaving less room to pass the cyclist?). Then I read up on them and learned that this particular traffic calming device is to extend the sidewalk so that the pedestrian has a shorter distance to cross and to avoid popping out in front of parked cars. Ok ...expensive...but makes sense.

The bike paths are lovely, but in my opinion designed for leisurely riding on a Sunday afternoon due to the fact that you have to "dismount" every so many yards for every yield and cross street that intersects the path. Not designed for commuting unless you have an extra 45 minutes on your side. At least Winnipeg is all caught up with the Joneses.

It doesn't matter who is mayor today, there are still cute girls abound. Seriously... Winnipeg wins this category hands down. Yes I am a male, I have put in the work, traveled a few corners of the globe and still come to this conclusion each time I return home.

The rumour was that the mayor wanted the police chief to crack down on Sunday Night cruisin',but it was denied. Crackdown or no crackdown cool cars are still built and driven every day.

The mayor kicked a kid in the face, but the voting majority loves him anyway (yes it was an accident).