Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Spicy Bean Soup

After consuming some delicious spicy bean soup at Falafel Place tonight we ran in to local celebrity Johnny Sizzle. Always a pleasure.

We had a special guest join us for dinner. Who is this serious looking dude you ask?

...stay tuned and we'll get to that in the near future.

After dinner I was involved in a few science experiments. Here are the conclusions: 1. Rain water forming beads on the top of a bank that's been waxed to death doesn't mix well with high speed urethane wheels. I lost quite a bit of skin in that experiment. 2. High speed manuals up a small incline causing unexpected air time in the middle of the manual can lead to total loss of control and swellbow.

Minor injuries aside, tonight ended on a good note thanks to an old friend south of two borders. That thought had me digging through some archives to find this...

Gracias Dulce! You always will be "Dulzes the Great"!

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