Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Ruby Tuesday

This is from a roll of Ilford Pan F that was finished and processed the other day. Obviously it took a while to finish that roll as this was the first frame shot back in the fall!

Ruby Rain... shot with the rangefinder.

Monday, February 24, 2014


Back in high school, my photography teacher used to call a photo that had a hand or foot out of the frame an "amputation". It's been a pet peeve of mine ever since if I ever clipped anyone's extremities. Those are always the first to hit the garbage pile.

Well it happened the other day... I had all limbs, hands and fingers in the "light test" shot. The image on the "light test" was not nearly as aggressive as the "final shot" captured on film. Unfortunately, the film shot is an amputation. That's what you get when you shoot with film and the second front side grind is waaaay faster than the first one!

Sorry Gilles for cutting off your hand! Sorry photo teacher (Jensen)! C'est la vie.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Beer fans?

The Manitoba Liquor Commission gave the green light this past week for local bars to apply for a variance to open up for business before dawn this morning. The section of the liquor act that allows such nonsense is in place for operating hour variances and service of liquor for events of provincial, national, and international importance. Allegedly our country's hockey team playing in the gold medal game of the 2014 Winter Olympics at 6:00am CST is the important reason that people should be allowed to drink liquor at 6:00am. Are we a country full of hockey fans, or are we a country full of beer fans? Hockey goes fine with pancakes at 6:00am. No alcohol required. I digress.

We are skateboard fans! We're also soccer fans and this was the pre-soccer game warm up! Transfer from bowl to bank.

Malcolm...skilled and consistent as always!

Until next time...


Ilford Delta 400, Nikkor 16mm fisheye, 1/60 @ f2.8

Friday, February 14, 2014


It's Valentine's Day. What's more appropriate to post than a romantic view of the bowl, a skater and their skateboard. ELF! Ever Lasting Friendship!

Thursday, February 13, 2014


It's -27℃. Another 10cm of snow dumped last night. We've got nothing.

Thankfully for us; our friend Michelle sent us some photos from a recent trip to CuraƧao for us to use on our Submit page! Here's a sample!

See more great submissions from wonderful people on the Submit page!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Winnipeg gold

It's not that I've been too busy or so lazy that there has not been much to post this week. I'm actually without my DSLR and far too busy to switch over to film for the week. Since I lent the DSLR out to a good friend that preferred to use it over his own camera for a project he was working on, it's only fair that I grabbed a few photos from his own archives to share over the next while on the blog.

One of the best Winnipeg has to offer... Jason Crolly shot by one of the best photographers I've ever had the pleasure of knowing... Jon Schledewitz