Thursday, February 17, 2011

This is not the end.

"This is not the end, it's just another song" - Agent Orange

I may have listened to the particular song that those lyrics belong to a good thirty times this week as I've been flipping back and forth between two CD's while driving. I'm not sure why I picked an Agent Orange CD for the rotation, but it's been a good fit. So it was quite the coincidence to notice the same album on a shelf in a friend's house while continuing along with the project.

When there's just no more room for your cassettes you work with what you have. Wear the fancy underwear, throw the overflow of cassettes in the Victoria's Secrets bag. Problem solved.

The Smiths and Suicidal Tendencies together. Where would we be without alphabetization?

Favourites from the stash.

1 comment:

  1. Rad! Looking forward to viewing the real deal soon! (OR THE.. REEL DEAL.. HUHUHUHH.)
