Sunday, April 17, 2011

Get over it, get on with it. The a.m. edition.

Yesterday was going to the movies to see Hanna with some friends. I would like to share that I enjoyed it enough to say that I would watch it again.

Today was supposed to start off with swimming a few laps at the local pool and heading to the skate park despite the second coming of winter. Trying to stay on top of things; I checked the pool schedule before we headed out and it looked like we were go! When we arrived at the pool it was a different story. The massive parking lot was overflowing with cars forcing people to park on the street indicated an event of some sort was going down. Upon further investigation we learned that there were numerous events going down preventing us from swimming, so we shook our fists at the synchronized swimmers and adjusted our schedule accordingly. We didn't actually see synchronized swimmers, I just added that for excitement.

We headed to the skate park to escape the madness only to find a very similar scene! The only difference was that parking on the street didn't appear to be an option as there were street work signs posted on one side and the community club was charging $2 to park so that they could take advantage of the fact that the bike auction was being held inside the community club. We managed to negotiate our way out of the $2 based on the fact that we didn't care about the bike auction, what the money was going towards and mostly the fact that we didn't bring any money to go skateboarding?

Sure that makes me sound cheap, but I didn't charge the community club a dime for cleaning up the garbage in the park or sweeping the entire place to clear away the broken glass, rocks etc... I felt that was fair for today.

After jumping the minor hurdles to get our day started we were finally good to go. I would be surprised if it was even above zero degrees today which was actually a good thing. Sometimes breathing in the fresh cold air while skateboarding takes me back to the days when I first got turned on to skateboarding. We would skate up till the day the snow fell and we'd sweep the streets and skateboard the first day there was a dry spot of pavement to skate. This tradition repeats itself for most Winnipeg skateboarders year after year, but every time I breath in the cold fresh air it always brings me back to the first time.

Some of us take skateboarding in the cold to the next level. Andrew showed up to the park today Slurpee in hand. If you're gonna get thirsty in the cold, you might as well have an ice cold drink on hand.

This is Andrew.

Andrew loves to power slide all over the place it's fun to watch.

Cold or no cold, it was a fun session.

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