Thursday, January 31, 2013

Can I have your autograph?

For those friends I intended to meet that had early bed times last night and assumed I was a no-show at the 18+ session at The Edge Skatepark, I have news for you... I was there. This is not a file photo!

V.I.P. gathering!

Big time operators!

Getting excited about the book launch! John Hancock time!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Good vs. Evil

Every once in awhile I look down at my feet and I shake my head for letting things get so far out of hand. How come I spend so much money on so much stuff, but I always save the purchase of new shoes until the rips and holes become unbearable on the existing pair? Some people have closets full of shoes, some people buy a couple of pairs a month. Shoes always seem to be on the low on the list of priorities to me, but every one in awhile it's new shoe time and that time is today.

I'm pretty sure I've been purchasing back to back C1rca shoes (as well as being fortunate enough to have some gifted now again... Thank you!) for quite a few years now. What's in a shoe these days? Lots of debate is the answer! For those that are trying to be mindful of what they wear and who they're supporting with their purchases there are many things to consider. Are they man made textiles or are you wearing leather? What country were they made in and were they made by an adult or a child? Where they treated fairly and were they paid fairly? That's just the start... Then there's the debate of who's making millions and millions of dollars when skaters wear their favourite brand? Is it a company created, owned by and ran by skateboarders or is it some "evil corporation" telling you how much they "support skateboarding"? Is it a company that used to be owned and ran by skateboarders, but they were bought out by one of the "evil corporations"? Maybe you just don't care. Maybe you skate your ass off so you can ride whatever shoe you can get for free or next to nothing. Maybe you wear a shoe, cause you've tried them all and the ones on your feet just never let you down. Maybe you look up to Eric Koston so whatever he endorses, you wear.

Back to the evil. If Eric Koston wants to get paid by Nike to make a living, that's his prerogative, but just remember that when you pay Nike so they can afford to pay Koston... Nike still could be getting away with paying someone 14 cents/hr to make the shoes you are wearing. Nike, Adidas and Puma are all criticized for illegal work hours, dismal wages, sexual harassment, and physical violence in six factories used by the three shoe manufacturers.

It could be all fluff, but according to New Balance they still have a lot of their manufacturing efforts happening right in North America. Why is this relevant? Everyone wants a piece of the pie obviously, so New Balance has come out with their new skate shoe line.

Do you think when you buy Vans shoes that someone who cares about skateboarding gets paid? Not quite. The company that owns Vans gets paid just the same when you or others buy Wrangler Jeans, Lee Jeans, The North Face, Eastpak, Jansport and Timberland brands of clothing, just to name a few.

Are my C1rca's made in China? I believe they are. Does some kid get paid 14 cents/hr to make them? I hope not. Was the company started by skateboarders or businessmen? Business men. Business is business. Some do it ethically, while others don't. I'm not trying to stir up the debate any more than the last guy did, but I am trying to encourage today's skateboarder to stop and think...what's on your feet, why and who does it affect positively as well as negatively? There are millions of skateboarders or skateboard shoe wearing type people, spending an alleged 1.25 billion dollars on skate shoes every year. Someone (not me), needs to make a chart of brands, who's owned and ran by who and where do they get their shoes made etc... Then people could make well thought out consumer decisions. Maybe this list already exists? If it does, show it to me!

We sell shirts. Are they made in North America? Unfortunately not... or is it? They're made in Haiti and finished in Canada. Here's more information on having clothing made in Haiti.

What bothers me the most about all of this? The little guy has such an uphill battle. If some skater wanted to start a shoe company and he wasn't making tens of thousands of pairs of shoes, he would have a high cost on his hand at start up. Even if he sold the pair of shoes for less of a margin to be able to compete with the big corporations, there would always be that one person (I wish there was only one person like this), that would feel that their skater buddy who started their own company should give them a discount to wear their brand...cause they feel that their friend is greedy for turning skateboarding in to a "profit". So instead they'd rather shell out their $110 to companies that pays 3.8 million dollars for a 30 second commercial spot during the Super Bowl, while they pay someone as low as 14 cents/hr to make shoes and soccer balls. How do I know people are like that? I still remember this one Sunday night years ago (way back in the lowrider building days) like it was last night when an ass named Matt came up to me and asked "how much are you selling your shirts for?" With a cost of over $11/shirt at the time as we were paying a high price to get them screened by a local company that gave us the best service, I answered "$20 taxes included". This of course meant I was selling them at the time for $17.54 + tax, pocketing $6.54 for the goods, not including all the other expenses involved running a business and a store front. He scoffed that my prices were too high, accused me of trying to rip people off and he walked away. As he walked away, I noticed the Tommy Hilfiger tag on the shirt he was wearing. One can only guess what he paid for that high priced, huge profit margin shirt made by someone who already had millions of dollars and didn't need Matt's money. Moral of the story... It has nothing to do with shoes. Matt really was dumb! Unfortunately his way of thinking is the same of millions of consumers. Support the small guy. Don't be friends with people like Matt.

That's that!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Get in the water!

The following story couldn't be further away from eating Pancakes or going skateboarding. As a matter of fact...pancakes were skipped to make sure we got out of the house on time for this event!

Stay tight!

Get ready...

Game on!

Number one son had recently decided to add water polo to his résumé, so we spent the last three days participating in the Bushido Invitationals. Like any good parent with a camera, I volunteered to capture some of the action for the Bushido facebook page.

You can check out the facbook page for all of the action, but in the meantime, faces have been covered with splashes to protect the identity of the players.

I am completely kidding, but although shooting water action is fun, it can be a challenge!

Number one son taking charge!


All good things come to an end.

If you asked me three weeks ago if I could ever picture myself poolside, documenting a water polo tournament... I would have chuckled at the thought. So far, so good. Documenting a portion of the tournament was actually a great way to spend another Winnipeg weekend...indoors!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Edge Skatepark Book Launch

Now this is happening...

The Edge Skatepark has been around for 20 years! Crazy right? What better way to celebrate than to release a photo book packed with memories of two decades of indoor skateboarding in one of the cities that needs indoor skateboarding more than any other. We love Winnipeg. The Edge Skatepark makes it much easier to write that last statement.

Book Launch is going down at McNally Book Store Tuesday, February 12th 7-9pm. It's a don't miss event!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Grady Kuly on Parole

Ok... Grady is not really on parole, but he did receive a sweet package in the mail from Parole Boards this week. All the more excuse to head down to The Edge Skatepark for the 18" Session last night!

That's that!

Monday, January 21, 2013

PS Zine Issue 3 Now Available for iPad!

We love creating our printed zine, but it's hard to get it in to everyone's hands so we came up with a solution for that problem...

...P&S Zine Issue III is now available for iPad! Click on the link for details!

It's currently released as a Single Edition App for iPad only. Want to see it available for quarterly subscription in Apple Newsstand or on your iPhone/iPod touch devices? Help us out! Download the app for your iPad as well as share the App Store link with your friends! We're the little guys. To play with the big boys we'd need to invest $495/month to have access to Newsstand and iPhone/iPod Touch devices. The more Apps purchased, the better chance we can make that happen!

If we meet those goals it only means more issues, more content, more opportunities for contributors etc... So please! Help us get the word out! Thanks in advance!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Parallel Universe

If you visit this blog on a regular basis and also happen to know Dave Rand of Capitol Motorsports in Winnipeg, you may have noticed we spent our New Years Eve with Dave. We were invited to his house and I was kind of excited, because we hadn't actually crossed paths in a VERY long time!

If you visit often enough you'll already know that we love our archives, so when I found out that Dave had his own archives from the late 80's and early 90's I was stoked to get a peak at them. When he opened up the first photo album I quickly realized that we had been living in parallel universes back in the 80's and 90's, but I was living the Westwood version and he was living the St. Vital Version. It was uncanny to me just how similar our photo albums were.

Mine is shown here on top, with Dave's on the bottom.

Skate photos (modified with scissors of course), mixed in with a healthy does of Thrasher and other skate/music mag clippings.

Winnipeg Skateboarders future vs. The Pandas. It was a close one! Skateboarding...still a crime in Winnipeg. After the local skateboarding community proved it wasn't a "fad"...the money finally started rolling in to build skate parks. Better late than never!

Dave himself circa 1986.

St. Vital represent!

Some great art was found in the albums... well as this gem. This could be the beginnings of Capitol Motorsports. Omar sells Dave a moped!

The craziest thing to me about our parallel universes colliding was when Dave told me he had photos of me. No one ever has photos of the photographer! This seriously messed with me head. All of the years of looking at the photos I shot that night, I had no recollection of myself at that point and time. Now I do... No glasses required, ALL shirt, Minolta X-700, Vivitar 285HV (still use the same flashes today), with my handy Quantum Battery Pack (R.I.P.).

I also learned what I missed due to living on the other side of town. "Reility" playing in Dave's garage...

....and D.K.!

That's that! If you'd like to see more Winnipeg Skateboarding History, check out the facebook page. dedicated to just that!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Without further to-do...

Just like an excerpt from Carlito M.F. Brigante's courtroom speech in the movie Carlito's Way... "Completely rehabilitated, reinvigorated, re-assimilated and finally going to be relocated!" ...Pancakes and Skateboards has relocated our beloved headquarters! All creations are now made in our new digs ...under the stairs. We love it!

Six One Five... You will be missed.

Now that we're relocated and settled in... We'll be back to updating on a regular basis. Thank you for your patience!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Stomping Grounds

Technically, this is the first photo shoot for 2013. We returned to my old stomping grounds for a house sitting assignment and while we were in the old neighborhood we bumped in to Ruby who had recently moved back to said neighborhood. We decided to get together to shoot some photos. We drove around looking for a spot and although we grew up in different decades, we found out that we shared a common bond.

Here are two shots snapped in front of our old middle school.

We're in the idea stages of a few projects with Ruby, so stay tuned for more!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Thursday, January 10, 2013

2012 Top 5 Moments

The final 2012 Top 5 List is here! 2012 Top 5 Most memorable moments...

Keeping skateboarding a crime!

Number One Son hanging out on stage with Zero Cause!

First day back skateboarding after recovering from a broken leg!

Any moment meeting new people is a great one. We especially enjoyed being invited in to the creative dungeon of Madd Randall!

The look on their faces after the skateboard meets camera, camera meets face incident!

Time to return to our regularly scheduled programming...

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

2012 Top 5 Photos - The Girls

2012 Top 5 Photos of The Girls. In no particular order...

This was an easy pick. Cassandra from Metal Heart Clothing.

This shot of Mélissa because it reminds us that she always knows how to be a great hostess to any party.

Chelsea and Ali

Cassandra twice? Why not?

This one was taken on Canada Day and...

...That's that!

2012 Top 5 Photos - The Boys

Since there will be no Top 5 BMX Moments in 2012, we thought it was only fair if some our BMX friends could be squeezed in to the 2012 Top 5 Photos of The Boys:

Cole and his radical Charger at Komenda.

This ginger was randomly hanging out at Park West one night. Him and his buddy were deadly serious looking, so I snapped a photo. Get ready for it...Ginger-Snap!

This Matt H. at Komenda during the magic hour!

A man (Dave), his best friend and his ride.

One of my all time favourites. Mini Luchador!

That's that!